The Committee

The Committee consists of members across all current years of Dentistry. The committee’s purpose is to organise and facilitate dentistry-related academic and non-academic events. The committee also serves as the student body’s voice, raising and discussing concerns with academic staff. Certain positions are only available to certain year levels of Dentistry.


Yasmine Doroudi

Vice President

Dorian Korab


Estelle Tsimiklis


Erin Scholte

Sponsorship Coordinator

Anika Logan

Sponsorship Officer

Aaron Kim

Academic President

Maitreyi Hariharan

Social President

Hannah Cuthbert

IT Officer

Grace Kang

Sports Coordinator

Demi Eamer

Publication and Media Officer

Mariam Shabaan

Charity and Wellbeing Coordinator

Bart Laparidis

Charity and Wellbeing Officer

Kapil Berani

Charity and Wellbeing Officer

Ruva Mutero

Internation Student Representative

Parshast Sumbria

ADSA Liaison Officer

Dean Nguyen

Social Representatives

5th Year

Joa Son

4th Year

Andie Montag

3rd Year

Rosie Adheem

2nd Year

Michelle Abraham

1st Year


Academic Representatives

5th Year

Lily Hunt

4th Year

Jeremy Chiu

3rd Year

Rhys Jaa-Kwee

2nd Year

Katherine Wang

1st Year


Placement + Clinical Representatives

5th Year

Ibaadat Sidhu

4th Year

Joanne Jumaa

3rd Year

Zanté Sloane

The Constitution

The Constitution is the basis of JCUDSA and determines what actions are taken and the procedures that need to be followed. Below you will find a PDF copy of The Constitution. Feel free to download and peruse it. It is a useful document to familiarise yourself with if you are considering to run for a position in The Committee. All students wishing to run for election must thoroughly read the constitution.

Latest JCUDSA Constitution (March 2022)